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Early Signs of Flat Feet detectable in Children

Monday, 15 June 2015 00:00

flat-feet9Children are in a constant state of growth and development and therefore often require frequent shopping trips to purchase items that will fit their growing bodies. Shoes often fall into this list of necessities, and with the purchase of new shoes parents should also keep in mind the necessity of proper foot health. Children in particular are prone to developing flat feet, a condition characterized by an abnormal collapse of the arch while standing. Parents can watch for early signs of the condition, which include: a flat foot arch at age 5 or older, heels that tend to angle outward when seen from the back, clumsiness during activity or early leg fatigue, or foot, knee or ankle pain during or after activity or the middle of the night.

Certain sports and physical activities may become difficult for children with flat feet. If you suspect that your child has the condition, speak to Dr. Harris L. Klear of Burlington County Podiatry Associates. Our doctor will attend to all of your podiatric needs.

What are Flat Feet?

Flat feet are a condition in which the arch of the foot is depressed and the sole of the foot is almost completely in contact with the ground. Standing about 20-30% of the population generally has flat feet because their arch never formed during growth.

Conditions & Problems:

Having flat feet makes it difficult to run or walk because of the stress placed on the ankles.

Alignment – The general alignment of your legs can be disrupted, because the ankles move inward which can cause major discomfort.

Knees – if you have complications with your knees, flat feet can be a contributor to arthritis in that area.  


Pain around the heel or arch area

Trouble standing on the tip toe.

Swelling around the inside of the ankle.

Flat look to one or both feet.

Having your shoes feel uneven when worn



If you are experiencing pain and stress on the foot you may weaken the posterior tibial tendon, which runs around the inside of the ankle.

For more information about Flat Feet, follow the link below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Marlton and Delran, NJ. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Flat Feet

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