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Leg Lengthening Surgery for Young Child Born with Deformity

Monday, 30 November 2015 22:13

runningNow 10 months old, Sylas Stutz was born with a shorter fibular bone in his right leg and without two toes. When Sylas was diagnosed with fibular hemimelia, doctors originally suggested amputation. Sylas’s mother Krysta Gillen did not see that as an option. After consulting with doctors from the Rubin Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, it was determined that Sylas would only need some of his leg lengthened; surgery would mostly involve construction on his ankle and foot to achieve proper foot support. After Sylas’s birthday in December, Krysta intends to take him to Baltimore to receive a detailed medical plan of his treatments.

Proper foot support is of utmost importance in foot health. To learn more, consult with Dr. Harris L. Klear of Burlington County Podiatry Associates. Our doctor will provide you with the foot and ankle information you seek.

The Importance of Proper Foot Support

Walking is an everyday function for both men and women, and in order to keep your body’s balance in order, you are going to need shoes that provide the proper kinds of support.

Poor foot support can cause pain and discomfort in the lower back, hips, knees, neck and shoulder. It also can lead to emotional stress, and physiological changes in the body. In order to avoid these problems, you must have proper foot support.

The arch is the most important part of the foot, which is where most of the support and balance of your feet lies. The arch of your foot varies in height, and as you age, this height can change. Proper foot support will help musculoskeletal issues, which causes inactivity or disability.

When looking for shoes that give proper support to your feet, you should refrain from wearing ill-fitting shoes. If footwear is too tight, this can affect the body’s posture, stress, bone deformities, and other foot and back pain. Therefore, it is important that shoes fit well in order to avoid these complications.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices in Marlton and Delran, NJ. We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Proper Foot Support

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